Sunday, November 15, 2015

Beautiful Books #2: Like A Writing Desk

Here is the second round of Beautiful Books questions.

Is the book turning out how you thought it would be, or is it defying your expectations?

It is defying my expectations in more ways than one.

In good ways.

I know that 5,000 words is a crazy low word count for NaNo (it's like, 1/10 of the goal), but I didn't expect to write that amount of words in the first two weeks. For one, I'm super busy right now - high school, CNA course, blogging, trying to read, writing other little things here and there. The other, I didn't even make it to 2,000 words last year and I wasn't as busy then. So, even though my word count looks ridiculously low to other NaNoers, I'm happy that I've been able to start a novel I've wanted to write for a while and to get out as many words as I can.

The actual novel as in plot wise is not how I expected, either. I honestly had no character for Tabitha (The Mad Hatter) before I started writing her, but I am really in love with her character now.

What’s your first sentence (or paragraph)?

Okay... Here's the thing. I started this novel in September, I think. But I'm only counting the words that I've written in November for my word goal, as it's only fair. So, I guess I'll give you the beginning of the actual novel + the first paragraph I've written this month.

(Note: The first paragraph needs a lot of work)

1) Once upon a time there was a little girl. Once upon a time her best friend was her pet rabbit. Once upon a time her favorite place was the large garden out at the back of the house. Once upon a time the little girl's name was Alice Young. Once upon a time that little girl was me. Once upon a time I was very different from who I am now.

2) She was silent as she thought about the first half of the year. She played with her new pet, stroking him now, and now burying her nose in his soft fur, coaxing the bunny to explore his new territory. Her mind, however, was elsewhere. She thought of the kind of boy her brother could have grown up to be, and how she would have helped her mother care for him whenever she would have allowed her to. She would gladly have changed his diapers and muddy clothes if all the while she knew that she was helping to secure his health and safety, and that the danger of his leaving was past. She did not cry as she thought of these things. Instead, she poured out her overflowing heart into the cuddles and caresses she gave her rabbit, knowing that this was what her parents had provided him for. She knew that they were taking care of each other, she and her rabbit.

Are you a plotter or a pantser? Have you ever tried both methods and how did it turn out?

I'm usually a pantser. The first year I did NaNo it was a total spur of the moment thing (I joined on the 4th day), and literally all I knew about the story was that my MC had red hair, brown eyes, and that her boyfriend was teaching her swordsmanship before he went off to join a war. But I actually developed the longest plot for a book that I've ever had, during that NaNo. 

I'm trying both methods at once this year. I had a basic idea of the plot and I had written a lot in Alice's character bio* prior to NaNo. But everything else I'm just sort of going with as I write, and it's going pretty well.

What do you reward yourself with after meeting a goal?

Ha. Ha. Ha. I don't set word goals. I write (a little), and then I take a (long) break, so that I won't be too stressed out and won't be able to get any more words out.

What do you look for in a name? Do you have themes and where do you find your names?

Sometimes, I make up my characters' names. But most of the time, I use Behind the Name. I usually have a meaning that I want to use for a character's name, so I'll look up names with that meaning in it and choose one or base one off of there.

I really can't move the story forward if I don't have a name that fits the character. I won't just name a guy character "Joe," or "Sally" for a girl until I find the right name for them. I'll usually just say "he" or "she" if I really can't find a name and I need to continue writing.

What is your favourite to write: beginning, middle, or end — and why?

The beginning is definitely my favorite. I am horrible with plotting the middle. The end I normally have an idea about. But the beginning is what I think I'm best at writing.

Who’s your current favourite character in your novel?

Right now, it's Tabitha. She's an adult in a kid's body and is a boss at it. I'm not totally sure about her background, but I'm pretty sure that her parents died and she was left with the hat shop, and just kind of learned to take care of herself. There are times when she does seem like a normal child, though. Anyway, she's adorable, and I love her.

What kind of things have you researched for this project, and how do you go about researching? (What’s the weirdest thing you’ve researched?!)

Since the characters are still in Wonderland, I haven't really researched a lot. I guess the only thing I was trying to search for, really, was a name for Alice's pet rabbit. I searched "carrot(s)" on Google Translate in almost every language, and came up with nothing that sounded like a good name. So for now, he's named Felipe, and I can't stand it because he's a bunny and Felipe makes me think of a horse every time I hear it. But he's not any big part, so it doesn't really matter. 

Do you write better alone or with others? Do you share your work or prefer to keep it to yourself?

It really depends, I think. I can sometimes write pretty well when I'm with friends, but other times I just CANNOT think. I do better with word wars, though, because I'm actually trying to get a lot of words out and beat the other person:) 

I shared some snippets in last week's post. Most of the time, I'm really open with sharing my work. I like feedback and support;)

What are your writing habits? Is there a specific snack you eat? Do you listen to music? What time of day do you write best? Feel free to show us a picture of your writing space!

Sorry, no picture. 

I don't really know what is meant by "writing habits" and I don't really have time to think about. So that part is going unanswered.

I don't eat while I'm writing.

What I listen to depends on my mood. This NaNo, I've been listening to some of the songs from the album "Almost Alice."

I think I write best in the afternoon.

Yay, I did it! Sorry - my answers aren't very well written because I didn't have time to polish them. Not to mention that they're not very interesting either. But I wanted to give you guys an update on my novel, and thought I'd do this. Hope this didn't bore you, and that this week goes fantastic for you!

* I may post Alice's bio soon...That's a maybe.

auf wiedersehen, darling

- Maddie


  1. Great post! It's always interesting to hear how other people write. :)

  2. I love your posts about your writing, Maddie and I'm looking forward to her bio post. Hope you can get that posted.
    Maybe its because I'm not doing Nano myself but I'm so excited about everyone's stories...I mean more than usual.

  3. Oh this looks like an interesting link-up! I love your responses, too. So cool that you've participated in NaNo more than once. I wish I could say the same for myself! ;)


  4. Thank you, guys, so much! Your comments make my day:)


Go ahead, I'm listening (but before you ask, no, you cannot have my case of Wonka Bars).