Thursday, June 16, 2016

Pity - MMC (June 6, 2016)

The rope. How could it have slipped? It wasn't as if she’d meant it to. And that was the pity.

She'd been tempted to pass him by when she had seen him hanging there. And why not? They weren't friends. In fact, they'd never spoken a civil word, either one to the other, in life. She could have walked right by, let him die. Not been accused of anything. That was the pity.

Instead, she'd tried to help. Put aside petty prejudice that had lasted a lifetime, and tried to help the man. Tried to save his life. And she was accused of murder. No one would believe her if she tried to deny it. And she could not blame them. How many times had she sworn she'd take out Jeremy Kindle, her opponent, even killing him if need be. How many times had he sworn the same of her. Their malice was not a private matter. And that was the pity.

Their oaths had been fulfilled without either party wanting them to be.

The mallet came down to smack the wood of the desk, sentencing her for the next 30 years.

The rope had snapped, dooming him to give up the rest of his life forever.

If words could be taken back, what each wouldn't give to do just that. Bucket load by bucket load.

It was a pity to learn the truth which the old grade school rhyme tried to hide.

Words do hurt.

Surprise! You guys still get a MMC story this week. 

I used the items prompt (rope, bucket, wood), and the story is 247 words. This was a really fun one! (Yeah, I know, I say that every time). Also, I won second place last time :D Thanks, Tessa, for hosting!

- Maddie


  1. This was wonderful Maddie, I really liked it! You wrote it very well.

  2. Oh my gosh, Maddie, this is amazing! I was hoping that you'd do one this week.
    (And thanks for that post about my blog)

  3. Hi! Just a fellow writer. I loved your MMC!!

    1. Thanks so much, Natalie! I loved yours, too!


Go ahead, I'm listening (but before you ask, no, you cannot have my case of Wonka Bars).