Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Thoughts of Love // Part Two

This next part might be hard to think about, at first. For me, though, it goes along the lines of love being selfless. 

"Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful.... Love does not insist on its own way." (1 Cor 13:4-5, RSV) 

All too often, we are told that to be in love means pining after someone, and not resting or feeling a moment's peace until they are with us. We see in movies and shows people trying to sabotage their "true love's" relationships, or even just trying to win them over while they're in a relationship with someone else so that their loved one will realize that the person is "the one for them." But think about that. If you really love someone, you want them to be happy. And since when do we know what will make another person truly happy? Maybe they would be happier with someone other than us. What makes us happy is not always going to make someone else happy. Not to say that we can't be sad if someone we love doesn't return the feeling. It does hurt. But I think that if we truly love a person, we will be happy for them no matter what they choose, as long as it's not a harmful decision. We will respect their relationships; we won't flirt with our crush when they are already with someone else, etc. To me, that shows the person more love and respect than it does when we throw ourselves at them and try to show them that we're so much better than whoever they're with.

Let's be respectful to each other, and truly love each other.

is there any way to describe wanting to be together with someone, but also being happy when they're with another?

you know you love them and they might never know, but that's okay.

you love them so much that you just want the best for them, no matter what that may be.

you know you should be jealous, but why force a wrong feeling when you can just be grateful that they're happy?

Do you agree with me? Or do I just not understand what it's like to be in love? Chat with me in the comments below! And, as always, thank you so much for reading, everyone!

- Maddie

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, I didn't see this post till just now. Wow. 😐
    Yes. I completely agree. I feel like movies and books and stuff are so influential and can really change the way we think. And that it isn't really love if were unhappy that they're happy. If love is based on what we get out of it then how can it be love?

    The thing is, we were made to actually love and other people were not made just to fulfil our desires. And I think we know that somehow, despite how much movies tell us otherwise.
    Anyways, those are just the thoughts that popped into my head while reading it, ages late though it is.


Go ahead, I'm listening (but before you ask, no, you cannot have my case of Wonka Bars).