Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Wala, Man

Wala: a Visayan/Cebuano adverb meaning nothing.

Hey, guys! So, as you are probably figuring out, I have nothing for you today other than how to say it in another language. I am busy with work and preparing for a trip out of town tomorrow. Plus, I also just realized yesterday that the assignment for my Institute of Children's Literature course was due June 20th, and I just started writing it yesterday because I had been procrastinating and thought that it was due July 9th. Clearly, wala has been in my brain as well. Anyway, enjoy this new piece of intelligence that I graciously provided for you, and no need to thank me because all I want right now is for you to write my assignment for me, and I'm pretty sure that would be unacceptable. 

Happy Tuesday, ya'll! 

Hope your Fourth was awesome! (I literally did nothing to celebrate yesterday. I'm American, though, I swear!)

- Maddie

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Go ahead, I'm listening (but before you ask, no, you cannot have my case of Wonka Bars).